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Friday, January 1, 2016

Book Review 11

I recently bought a whole bunch of supplements off of this site called iHerb.  Some of the suppliments that I got were Arginine / Orinithine, creatine, BCAA and a lot of Pea Protein. Pea Protien has an aquired taste so the first time I took some I felt like I had to puke! It almost took more than 5 minutes to gulp the last remains of the precious but nasty protein!

When I first bought all of my supplements, I was very excited to start taking them while seeing more better results in my performance but right after I fineshed drinking the Pea Protein I was dreading every workout.
I wantd to find a way to take the protein but not have to go through the dread of having to take it so I researched on different ways of taking protein powder without having to mix it with water.
Most of the things that came up were recipies on protien pancakes, but knowing how Pea Protein has an extremely strong smell and taste, I knew it would not really change all that much to drinking it with water.

When doing my research on Pea Protein, I suddenly thought of the Thrive Book. I remember reading about how Brendan Brazier makes pancakes with hemp protien, buckwheat,  cinnamion and nutmeg. Instead of using the hemp protien I decided to try and substitute with the Pea Protein and experiment to see if the taste of nutmeg and the buckwheat would over power the crazy taste in Pea Protein.

I tried it out and it was just as I expected. The taste was not gone completely, but It was a lot and I mean ALOT more better than when I was just drinking it down with water. I decided to make a big batch so that when I go to the gym I could just bring these energy packed protein pancakes with me for an after snack.

Although, I did hear before that taking protein in liquid form is the best I want to try and see how this method of taking protein works for me!

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