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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Final Book Review

I read the book called "Thrive:The vegan nutrition guide to optimal performance and health" by Brendan Brazier.

First let me start off by explaining the title of the book. The writer is a former triathlete champion and competitor and he talks about how from his experience, by eating only off of plants (a plant based diet) his performance level was a lot more better than when he was eating a meat based diet. He often mentions that by eating a plant based diet gives a lot of energy as well as a good recovery food after workouts. The title of the book basically means that you are "thriving" living off / (successfully making progress) by eating a plant based diet will give you the best performance throughout life as well as when you are working out.

The book was quite long but I easily finished it because of the simple and easily understandable writing. Before reading this book I was expecting it to be very complicated and hard to read but it ended up being surprisingly extremely simple which made so much sense when reading. I borrowed this book from my older sister and was planning on giving it back to her after I read it but I ended up keeping it because I wanted to read it twice!!

The book had so much information on how to eat a healthy vegan lifestyle as well as very good tips on shopping for ingredients. When people decide to go vegan or vegetarian, most tend to get overwhelmed with the unfamiliar ingredients but Brendan explains how you can get most of the ingredients like lentils, chickpeas, and hemp for example, in most supermarkets. After reading this book you really do start to see the types of foods around supermarkets.

Because I was looking for a book that would give me some information on what to eat as a sort of supplement during and after workout, I was extremely pleased that I had the opportunity to read this book as it gave me a lot of useful tips and advice on what to eat.

Before starting weight lifting I was looking up on what to eat before, during and after workouts to get the best nutrition and foods that will help me recover faster so I can work out everyday I would always get a vague explanation such as "eating carbohydrates before and protein after working out is best" but there were no scientific evidence on why it is good.
Because I was always so lost on what and when to eat I was always confused when doing my research.

I feel very lucky to have been able to get this important details on what to eat to get the most out of your workouts as well as in day to day life.

There was a ingredients and recipe section in the back of the book where he gives his original recopies for  pancakes, smoothies, pastas, salads, homemade granola bars and so on. I am a big fan of this home made coconut chia seed energy bar. Making it is so simple and it is very nutritious. All it contains is coconut oil, chia seeds and dates. You put that in the blender then spread it onto a sheet then put it in the fridge to freeze for a few minutes. 
He says that you should eat this before workout to get the most out of your workout and I can tell you, it makes a big difference when I eat it before I hit the gym. I realized that It was more easier to push myself to the fullest when I ate it.

 The book also gives a lot of insight on vitamins literally from A to Z! I learned a lot about how most vitamins contain fiber and protein.

The part that stood out to me the most was in the back of the book where he mentions that some vegans and vegetarians are low on  B12 and that just by taking some chlorella, it will do great wonders. I was so convinced that I bought my own clorella tablets to go along with my other supplements.

The only negative thing that I would have to say about this book is that it was not any longer! It was too good to end in just one book.


1 comment:

  1. I became interested in Vegan style after you read your book review although I have negative opinion about vegan. My opinion about vegan was changed.
