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Tuesday, December 1, 2015


It has been getting extremely chilly over the past few days but, that does not stop me from having a good time!
The other day my younger sister  Jenny and I went to go check out this vegan cafe called AIN SOPH SOPH.JOUNRNEY.
I loved how it was so small and cozy as well as very easy to find! (If you get out of the C5 exit at Shinjuku 3 Choume, it is right where you can see it!)

The hanging red things that you can see are little apples which I thought were absolutley adorable!
(Excuse the bad quality of the photo!!) We decided to get a whole course meal...yes we go all out when we can! It may be hard to tell but, the colorful looking thigns in the glass cups are salad with vegetables at the very top that are there if we want to dip it into the three flavors; cheese (vegan cheese of course!), mineral salt and miso.
I especially liked this daikon? with the cheese. the cheesyness went perfectly with the crunch of the daikon/radish? .
We dumped the salad onto the plate in order to make it easier to eat. The red soup is totamo soup! I am origionaly not such a fan of tomato soup as most soups end up tasing like ketchup but, this was the perfect tomato soup in my books!
The perfect soup on a rainy day <3
Next was the main dish! the tortila like things that you can see on the top right were made out of avocados, spinach, beans and carrots. the beans were cooked in a way that the eater would thing it was meat.
the food on the left was supposed to be a sore of fried chicken that was made out of tofu which surprisingly tasted like chicken! Even the texture was so "chicken" -like that I ended up not eating it and giving it to my younger sister.
The yellow egg like thing on the bottem right is also was out of tofu. there were some sort of nuts to give it a nice texture. I really liked how they added a tomatmo to the egg like substance.
Oh yes, and we also ate the flowers too! haha!
Digging in!
The portions were also perfect in my opinion.
Lastly, we had some dessert!(oops...I already failed in not having any sugar for a whole month lol)
Dessert was sponge cake with cream, nuts fruits and rum raisin icecream. The run raisin icecream was so rich in the rasin flavor which I thought was absolutley lovely!! I also loved the texture of the cake. I don't like cakes that are really fluffy so the densness in the cake was awesome!
To finesh it off, we had some herb tea.
I heard from my younger sister that there is another AIN SOPH.JOUNRNEY in Ikebukuro which we are not planning on checking out sometime soon!
Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very interested in vegan food, how they cook meal without using any animal products so maybe I should go there and try them! And please tell me when you succeed in not having any sugar in a whole month cuz I want to know how.hahaha
