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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Video Review

The video review that we were assigned to was a review that a married vegan couple did on a vegan restaurant called Sadies Diner and Juice Bar. 


What is focused on in the review?

Being vegan, they were focused on looking for a restaurant that was mailing filling, and a place where they could  enjoy "veganized" dishes such as the vegan cheese, vegan pancakes and vegan sausages.

How does it differ from the written review in presentation and content?/What features does it have in common with it?

The written and visual review that I read was written by a professional so the wording that they used were more advanced and detailed compared to the video review. The written and visual review was a normal restaurant not a vegan restaurant that was shown in the video review.
The only thing that I saw what the written and movie review had in common was that they reviewers were both very pleased with what they ordered and were thinking of coming back sometime.

Is the review neutral or partisan?

I thought the review was partisan as couple were both very please with the restaurant.

Are chefs , owners, managers, or restaurant staff featured in the video?Do you think this was helpful in providing useful information about the restaurant or did it make the review too biased?

No one except the couple were shown in the video.
I would have enjoyed the review ( or have wanted to go to the restaurant a little bit more) if the couple showed the full menu.
It was not biased at all, as they both of then made a comment on the quesadillas being too cheesy but if your a "cheese person" then you have enjoyed it.

What criticisms do you have of the video, either concerning the professionalism, production quality or the content?

I thought it was a good idea how they took turns taking a video of each other to get a two-sided opinion on the food. I would have liked if the person taking the movie did not make so many comments while the speaker was talking.
If i was taking the video I would also have added the interior and the chefs. (getting permission of course! )

Notice whether the voices of the speakers are monotonous or have a pleasing emphasis or certain (key) words and phrases. How does that affect your understanding and enjoyment?

Neither of the speakers sounded monotonous and they both had positive comments for more than 80% of everything. They used a lot of words such as "good" "filling" "good portions".
Although the lighting of the movie made the food unattractive they did make the restaurant sound good because they were very enthusiastic about mostly everything.

Are there any expressions or phrases that stand out in your mind after watching this video? What techniques or language would you like to use when filming your own video?

Because they were normally talking in the video I found it hard to hear what they were saying, especially what the women said in the first bit. If I was making my own video review I would like to take the movie then add text later and just add short phrases and words in the video.

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