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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Book review 9

I hear "Low carb diet" " I don't eat carbs" many times from numerous people but, I recently read in the "Thrive" book that I am currently reading that food has three main components: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. It wrote that carbohydrates account for most of the food we eat consisting of sugar, starch and fiber.
The ratio in any given food vary. Generally, fruits have high sugar levels; bread, pasta, and rice have large amounts of starch which is said to be complex carbs. Fruits are the food of choice when thinking fuel wise which are the simple carbohydrates.
Our bodies can intake and use simple carbs as fuel, but in comparison the body must break down complex carbs into simple carbs before it can burn, which takes extra work.

I would always get mixed up between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. I was also told that white rice was a good source for carbs, but I recently realized how much sugar is really in white rice which made me opt for brown rice.

The book also showed me other foods rich in simple carbohydrates which was very useful, as i try to take as much carbs before my work out but the only form of carbs I would take were either bananas or dates.

Other foods rich in simple carbohydrates


I now need to make a mental note to go grocery shopping for most of the fruits listed above!

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