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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Book Review 3

It has been 8 months now ever since I have turned vegan, and I have never felt better! To be honest I had a hard time trying to find balance in my meals because I had the image that eating vegan costs a lot of money so I had a very unbalanced diet from eating mainly soy based foods such as "Tofu" " Natto" (fermented beans) and so on.
In my head i had the image that I would be okay just by taking meat and dairy out of my diet, but I was wrong.
I did feel physically lighter when I stopped taking meat and dairy, but I would sometimes loose energy by the end of the day. At first I was very upset by the fact that I could not live a "vegan lifestyle" so i would ignore this feeling. After awhile I came to realize that just taking the meat out of my diet was a bad idea.
After reading the "THRIVE The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life." book, I have learned so much.

Around the beginning of the book (On page 40 in chapter two) It shows a pyramid suggesting the ratio of each food group in a daily diet. The diet consists of 45 percent fibrous vegetables, 20 percent fruit, 20 percent legumes, seeds and pseudograins, 10 percent cold-pressed oils, nuts and avocados, and 5 percent starchy vegetables and whole grains.

Of course the pyramid is only a guide and an example of a healthy balance diet. But to me it was the best information I could hear!
In this chapter it also has a list of certain phytonutrients. Some of the foods, I have never even heard before which makes it all the more fun to go on a search for certain vegetables and fruits.

Thanks to this pyramid, I have never been better!!


  1. I had the same image about eating vegan would cost more but I see you've found something better than to worry about the costing :)
    And also you seem to be motivated a lot and you sound happier!

  2. If I began vegan style, I would give up within one week and I would be powerless like you. But I think that most of vegetarians are slender. I agree with your opinion just taking the meat out of the diet is a bad idea. But, I want to try vegan once because I want to know the change of my health.

    1. I do recommend just trying to take out dairy from ones diet. Ever since I stopped eating dairy, my face completely cleared up from acne and is soooooo much more smooth like a baby! haha
