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Monday, October 26, 2015

Vege Festa!

The other week on the 18th I went to the Vege Festival that was held in Yoyogi Park.
Last year I went with my older sisters so I had a slight idea as to how the Vege Festival was like and what was sold. I told myself that this year I was not going to buy anything because for 1. I now know how to make vegan dishes and 2. alot of the food is quite expenive.
But, I made a mistake and left the houes perfectly around lunch time so I naturally, I was starving when I arrived.
I ended up getting a vege burger and vege tacos which both tasted mighty fine! The one thing I love about vegan food, is that it is not only made out of natural products but because of how it is not overly flavored most of the time.

One of the things that I regret was not trying out the vegan paella!
This week I have a presentation that I need to do on paella but I have never eaten it before in my life. If there is another vege fesitval next year and there just so happens to be vegan paella, I will definitely try it out.

(I took pictures of both of the things that I tried out but I cant seem to get them on here. Ill try again when my computer isnt being wack.)

1 comment:

  1. I was interested in Vege Festa, but I was busy so I couldn't go there.
    Your post about Vege Festa is attractive for me.
    I also want to eat paella. I have never eaten it.
    I'm looking forward to your presentation:)
