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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Wall Street Journal

I found 4( one that I added because I believe food has something to to with it) articles connected to food including a graph on food.

"A Roy Rogers Thanksgiving Lesson"
This article that talks about how even though there may be so " bad" in the world, it is good to remember that the people living in America have great advantages and blessings connecting it to the Thanksgiving holiday.
I thought this article was sweet and positive, but I slightly disagree on the statement that"America remains a "Golden Land" as there are many people suffering from obesity..more than one-third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of U.S. adults are obese. I strongly believe that the U.S should focus on making more programs where parents can recieve more fundamental education on nutrition for the U.S to really be a "Golden Land".

"For Pet's Its Fat Thursday With Pies, Dressing Under The Table."
This article is on pet's gaining weight over the holidays, as well as how most owners don't even realize how their pet may be gaining weight.
I am a guilty owner for feeind my pet's a little treat everynow and then. Especially when I had a dog, I would feed it human food almost daily! (Thankfully it never gained weight!) And I am also an owner of the two cutest cats.
I recently took them both to the vet for their annual check up where I found out that they both gained a lot of weight. And when I say a lot, I am not exagerating in the slightest!!
That's when I realized that taking care of pets are easier said than done.
In the article, it also emplies that there are training boot camps for dogs and animals to loose weight but it made me wish there were certain houses built for people who own pets. For example, a house made for cats where there are many places for the cat to explore up high or in little crevisis.
I dont ever give my cats any human food, but I will try to make a big effore to get them both down to a healthier weight for sure!

"Thankful for Private Property"
This is another article that has something to do with Thanksgiving and how "The first Thanksgiving teaches the importance of economic freedom". Alghough the title of this article shows that it is talking about how we have our own private property, the back ground story on how we have our own property is because of Thanksgiving, a holiday where Americans to get together to feast and to be reminded of all they have to be thankful for.

"U.N. Says 2015 likely to be Warmest Year on Record"
At first glance, this article may not have any connections to food, but when thinking about how there is a big environmental impact of meat production I can only say that food has a big thing to do with this article. When researching and really looking at how much energy people put into the meat industry is staggering.
Meat processing and slaughter houses consume conciderable amounts of energy in :monitering, testing, boiling,packing as well as transporting.
Of course the main reason for global warming is not only because of the meat industry, but it does go to say that the meat industry has a big part in it as it is one of the biggest industries out there.

"Commodities (Graph on the future contracts with the most open interest)
This graph is about open interest which, too be honest, I do not understand that well.


  1. You found many articles about food!! Your choosing photos are nice:)

  2. I didn't know that there were so many articles that related to food although some of htem didn't mention it directly!

  3. You are great to find many articles!!
    The second article from behind is the same as the article I chose.
    The global warming has a big influence on our food and life.
