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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cook book review-Giada's "Feel Good Food"

I watched a review written by Giada which is called "Feel Good Food" reviewed by Kim tv.

 What cookbook is being reviewed and what can you learn about its author and about the reviewer?

The cookbook being reviewed is "Feel Good Food" by Giada.
The reviewer talked a lot about the cookbook author; especially a lot of positive comments about Giada.
She was very fond of the fact that she was skinny, rich , has a beautiful family and how she is a very organized person. Watching the movie (review) made it look like the reviewer was interested in being organized so she talked a lot about how Giada organizes her food too her packing style.

How many personal details about the reviewer’s life are revealed in the course of the review…including his/her attitudes and tastes? Does that make the review more or less interesting?

As i mentioned above, I learned about how the author is very organized from her eating habits down to her  traveling-packing style. The reviewer made only positive comments about the author which made a good impression on the book.
She also mentioned that there are a wide variety of  foods in the cookbook like vegan and gluten free which made me want to check out the cookbook as well.

How much do you feel you can trust the reviewer’s opinions? Why or why not? Do you think (s)he has any commercial interest in the cookbook? Why do you think so?

The only thing that I thought was a little weird as a reviewer was that she did not say one thing that was negative.
It made it look like she was a big fan of the author, but in my opinion I dont think she would take her time to advertise someone else when she can be advertising herself.
I think she used the author in a way to give people the impression that she is an organized person just like Giada.

What are the good points mentioned about the cookbook?

She mentioned that there are ingredients that are easily found at home. A lot of the time I don't like to use cook books because of the complicated ingredients so it actually made me want to go to Costco to see if they sold the cookbook or not.

What, if any, are some of its negative points?

I was surprised to see that the reviewer did not say anything negative about the cookbook.

How does the cookbook reviewer emphasise particularly important points—verbally, through paralanguage, or by nonverbal means? Be specific and note down the time in the video when emphasis is given.

She used interesting words such as "Food porn" " Eating at a spa" "well stocked pantry" "To die for." She used these words around the beginning to the middle of the video when she was talking about and showing the recipes.

What do you admire about how this person reviews the cookbook? What criticisms would you make—not of the cookbook but with the style or delivery of the review?

I really liked how she did her review at home. It made it easy to listen to because there were no disturbances ( for example, if she was at a restuarant and there just happened to be a baby crying in the background etc....).
I actually do not have any criticisms on the way she did her review.

When reviewing a cookbook of your own, what techniques would you like to borrow from the reviewer?

When talking about the author she showed pictures that popped up during the video which was nice to see the real author of the cook book.
Furthermore, I also liked how she used soft playing music that went well with the feel of the video.

All in all I enjoyed the review very much. I would not like to make a review on a cookbook myself because I admire anyone that can cook but I am looking forward to doing our restaurant review.

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