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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Book review 8

Vitamins and Minerals

I have always been interested in what vitamins do to our bodies as I have been told from a young age to "not forget to take my Vitamin C" or " Your won't have strong bones unless you have calcium." or what not.
I remember often chewing on little Vitamin C tablets that my mother would give to me everyday. When I think of it now, I am forever grateful for how my mother made sure I got my proper vitamins and nutriants.

In the appendix of the book that I am reading, there is a big list of all the vitamins such as Vitamin A , Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin K, Folate, Biotin and alot LOT more!

I was honestly suprised that there were so many vitamins that i did not know about! Such as Vitamin K which plays a significant role in blood clotting. It also provides the heart with nutrients it needs for optimal function. Apparently the best sources for Vitamin K are leafy green vegetables and pine nuts.
Another Vitamin I was glad I learned more about was Vitamin B2 which helps break down amino acids (protein) for the body to use. Utilization of amono acids is a key factor in quick recovery and regeneration after exertion so this Vitamin is absolute GOLD to me!
The best sources for Vitamin B2 are legumes, pseudograins, nuts, brown rice, nutritional yeast, and blackstrap molasses.

Folate and Biotin are also words that I have never even heard of so it was interesting in learing about them!
Folate (Folic Acid) is said to work in tandem with Vitamin B12 to help produce oxygen -carrying red blood cells. Furthermore, the heart relies on folate, in part, to help it maintain  a smooth, rythmic beat as well as a higher tolerance for physical activity.
The sources for Folate are quite similar to the sources for Vitamin B2. The only difference  is that orange juice is also a good source.
Biotin works in concert with the B vitamins as a converter of food into usable energy. The best sources are nuts and nutritional yeast.

I love how when reading, there is always something new to learn!
Reading about vitamins and what sort of effects it has on our bodies makes me want to keep in check with my vitamin intake a lot more than before.

Thank  you Brendan Brazier!

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