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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Second Harvest Japan and Food for All

Comparison and similarities between Food for All and Second Harvest Japan

What do they have in common?

Both of the organizations focus on charity and helping to make meals for homeless and disabled people.
They both also receive (food) donations from manufacturers. 

How do their approaches differ?

Food For All is an extraordinary organization does not only serve meals to homeless or enabled people but, they focus mostly on trying to help the homeless by teaching and aiding them in finding solutions to their problems.

Second Harvest Japan focuses mostly on distributing meals to people in need at parks such as Ueno park every Saturday. They also help households in need of assistance by either distributing packages from their ware house, or they send the packages directly to the persons' house. Another project that Secon Harvest Japan focuses on in in food banking.

What are their main activities?

Food for All cooks and distributes clean and healthy meals every day at Camden to homeless and disadvantaged people (students)called Celebs for Candem. In a way they do not only help disabled people, but they are saving the environment for waste.
They are also proud owners of a garden in Watford that was  made my disadvantaged and homeless people. By making the homeless and disadvantaged people participate in such activities they are helping them by giving them the opportunity to learn something and put their energy to use.

Second Harvest Japan has 4 main activities. the 1st is distributing meals in Ueno Park two times a week on Saturday and Friday. On Friday it is said that they split the time into to parts; one time in the morning and one in the afternoon. And, on Saturday they split it up into three shifts.

The second activity is Harvest Pantry where they help households that are in need of dire assistance. They have three ways they help these people. The first is by sending  care packages to directly to their household, the second is where they pass out care packages at their warehouse on Thursdays and Saturdays. The third way is where they distribute these care packages in certain locations.

They receive food donations from a number of places such as manufactures, well fare agencies and so on.
It makes a lot of sense as to why they have a lot of sponsors and people who donate food because they are very focused on Food Banking. They have already conducted a caravan that they use to travel throughout Japan, visiting other food banks and people who are interested in developing a food bank.

How do they deal with problems of food waste?

Food for All does not exactly have a specific way that it "Deals with problems of food waste" but by having and taking care of their own garden (that the homeless and dissadvantaged people created) they educate the homeless as well as students that come to visit the garden on how to recycle, and be more eco-friendly.

Second Harvest Japan uses products that are outdated from supermarkets, putting them into use by making meals for the disabled people.

How would you be able to help / volunteer in these groups?

I would like to help by informing farmers on how there are these orginizations and how they can also help by donating some of the fruits or vegetables that are often thrown away because they are not fit enough to be sold etc.
I would also donate some money especially to Food for All because they do not only just distribute food, but they also make an effort to teach the disabled people how to then take care of them selves and to try to fix their problems which I think is a very realistic way of helping someone.

Which  group seems to be the most active?

I would have to say that both of the groups are on the same level of "active" as both of the orginizations work more than twice a week in cooking/distributing food.

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