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Friday, October 16, 2015


"THRIVE" has got to be my all time favorite book at the moment. As I have mentioned in my last post about how I am borrowing this book from my sister, I am seriously considering buying my own copy!
I have read through more than half the book and am catching up on all the juicy details that I have missed out on on how to cook vegetables at a certain temperature so as not to "kill" the vitamins or about what foods that are perfect for a certain type of workout.

What I found most interesting was where Brendan talks about chlorella, a single-celled freshwater microscopic green algae. Chlorella is the worlds fastest growing plant which is capable of reproducing itself four times every 24 hours! Whats more, it is 65 percent protein as well as it containing 19 amino acids.
Furthermore, chlorella possesses B12 which is extremely difficult for vegetarians to find though other sources of vegetables.

After reading and looking more into this super food, I immediately searched online through to get my own chlorella supplements.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can see how excited you are after reading the half of your book:) I'm now also interested in Chlorella!

  3. I have always been interested in superfoods. Would like to know more about it!

  4. I'm so interested in chlorella! This food has amazing features as you said. I want to eat it and please tell me the place chlorella is bought if you know.
