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Friday, December 18, 2015

Book review 10


My favorite form of protein at the moment would have to be qinuoa. I love how it is both ideble when cooked or even when it is not cooked. I usually like to mix up my qinuoa with salads etc.

Although I really do like qinuoa I believe it is important to change up the types of foods that you eat everynow and then. When reading throught the book that I chose, there was a section about hemp. Hemp has many qualities that set it apart from other foods. It is a nutrient-rich whole food in its natural state: There's no need to create isolates or extracts from it either.
Hemp in its whole food state is apparently high in alkaline compare to most proteins which is a higher pH.
Futhermore, hemp contians all 10 essential amino acids. The amino acids boost the body's immune sustem and hastens recovery more fast.

Brendan Brazier also mentions that he finds the digestibility of hemp protein to be superior to all other proteins that hes tried.

Because at the moment I do not use any supplements before of after workouts my body is under a lot of strain whether I feel it or not so, I was looking for something that not only regenerates muscle recovery but also fat metabolism. 

Hemp seems to be the perfect sourcse for me so I will definitely have to add this superfood to my grocery list from now on!!

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