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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Book Review 4

Ever since I could remember, I have never had the knack for cooking and baking. Everyday when making my own lunch boxes I would make something extremely random and something that was not so time consuming because I did not enjoy one bit of cooking, which usually resulted in making something that did not even look good as well as having hardly any nutrition at all.
When I think back on what I ate when I was still going to junior high school and high school, I wonder how I was even surviving!

That being said, I am in love with how vegan meals are so easy to prepare. Now everyday, (besides the fact that I have to carry a lunch box) I actually enjoy making my own meals.

Recently I have been trying to spice up the taste in my dishes but, at the same time trying to stay away from as much sodium and sugar as physically possible!

I tried changing the taste of my meals with different spices like, cummin, tumeric, pepper and so on. But sadly, I tend to get bored quite easily.

When reading this book, it talked a lot about how oils have a lot to do with taste. The author mentions that high-quality, cold pressed, unrefined oils are at the top of the 'healthy oils" so, hemp, pumpkin,flaxseed and coconut are a good choice of oils.
Out of those oils, I have only tried coconut oil so i am curious as to what flaxseed, hemp and pumkin oil taste like.

I always had the image that extra- virgin olive oil was the best choise of oil but, as I read on I found that although extra-virgin olive oil is a healthier option for sauces, dips and dressings, it delivers only minimal amounts of omega-3.

I am definitely going to go on a mad search to find hemp, flaxseed and pumkin seed oil!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know such a lot of kinds of oil.
    I have a image that oil have high calory. But knowing healthy oils, we can use them and eat heltheir food.
    I want to know more about it.
