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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Book Review 6

I am not the type of person to go into depth on a certain subject but a sentence in the "Thrive" book got be thinking and made me curious enough to do some research.

In the third chapter on page 97 There is a subject about how the thrive diet that Brendan Brazier recommends is a diet that is less demanding on the environment.

"A diet consisting of food that has been minimally processed and consists of primary-source nutrition is less demanding on the environment."-Brendan Brazier

This one sentence really stood out to me because I have never been into
environmental issues until I because vegan.
After reading this part of the book it made me think about the film/documentary called "Cowspiracy" where it talks in great depth about how going vegan may save the planet.

It really made me wonder if there are any vegan environmentalists. 

I read an article from that was published in 2010 in June.
In this article, it goes on to say how agriculture is on the same level of "danger" as fossil fuel consumption because both are rising with the growing population.

I strongly believe that vegan ism goes hand in hand in helping in reducing emissions and green house gases so to think that there are non-vegan or non-vegetarian environmentalists is frustrating and mind boggling to me.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that there is a relationship between food and environment. The article was interesting and I would like to KNow moe about environment and food problem.
