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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Are you a true Foodie?" Quiz review

The quiz was a lot more harder than I thought it would be.
I ended up only getting around 20% right! Because I got less than 50%, I was advised to go out and try a new restaurant and eat  experiment in the kitchen more.

In question no.24 " What is a prosciutto?" I was at a total loss!  I never even heard that word before so it was interesting to find out that a prosciutto is a Italian ham. 

I guess I am going to have to try new restaurants more often! If any one has any recommendations please feel free to share!


  1. That question I got it correct by luck Lol
    I don't have much money(I use it too much) so I went to "Saiseriya" and in Saiseriya they have Prosciutto as an appetizer.
    You know what? We should definitely go dinner together sometime :)

    1. Haha! Clicking on the answers randomly I see lol.
      Now that you mention it being served in Saizeria, It made it easier to remember what Prosciutto is! YES! Lets go out sometime !
