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Monday, November 30, 2015

Book Review 7

I always wonder in awe at how some (most) people can stay up late and not get exhausted and NOT want to sleep early the next night!
(Yes..I'm a crazy morning person!) I try to make sure to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep to feel completely rejuvenized the next morning.

When reading the first chapter in the "Thrive" book, I read that by strictly following the "Thrive" diet, there wont be an enoremous need to sleep for so many hours!

I realized I have not been eating as strict as I hoped. Usually, during the whole week I try to make a concious effort not to eat any sweets(anything containing sugar) or gluten (white bread, white rice etc) and I would have a little treat on the weekend as my "Cheat Meal" but, I decided to try and cut out all sugar and gluten from my diet for a month to see how my body and mind reacts to the changes.

In my last presentation on Eygpts eating habbits and lifestyle, some of you may know that I have the biggest sweet tooth so to cut out sugar for a whole month is a little scary, BUT! exciting! I'll be posting regularly on how I'm feeling throughout the week so stay tuned!


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