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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Restuarant Review written!

It’s crazy how the westher can really affect ones mood! Ever since it has been getting more chilly as the days go on, I have had the hugest appetite. So not only was I excited to start this restuarant-review-task, but I was also very bright eyed to fill my tummy with good food!!

Aoi, Ebie, Fumio and I had the opportunity to go to this posh-looking but also a very cosy restuarant called "Mame-cha".
We were origionally planning on going to this other restuarant but unfortunately, we could not find it (Or it closed down? We will never know! lol) so we decided on a wim to try this place out and I have no regrets!!
I was drawn to the name of the restuarant, as I love beans! (although there were no beans in the menu! haha!)But reading more I saw that there was kaisendon, love for fish is up  and above anything in this world so I immediately wanted to check this place out. You have to go down by stairs to get to the place and as you go down you can see this beautiful waterfall-like thing which I \thought was superb! It gave the impression that this restuarant was rich and full of life! Although when walking out of the store, I completely forgot that there was the waterfall so I thought that it was raining very hard for a second until I remembered the waterfall. Even then I still like how they put it there!
I dont like having to wait when entering a resuarant, even if I am not in a hurry so when the clerk came to greet us with a warm smile right when we entered was more than enough for me!
Happy People eager to fill our bellies...or am I just too eager? lol

I'm not sure if the restuarant was a little empty because you had to go down below or not but the only customers were two people and ourselves. crowded and loud restuarants arnt my thing so having this place (sorta) to ourselves was very nice! It was a Japanese sort of style place so there were some cubicles as well as wide open space. We sat in a corner where we could either bend our legs or put them under the table. I like how they give you this option as I tend to get sleeping foot very easily.
As you can see here, we had the tables on the tatami floor. We got the whole Japanese feel of the restuarant!

I really liked this part of the restuarant how the walls were a little bent to make it really bonhomie and cozy. If I get the chance to come back here again, I would like to as to sit here. I was so fond of this corner that you can see both of the corners in my movie that I made.
 I loved how the menu list was very detailed and easy to look at with the title of the food and the price of the meal on the bottem.

There were also drink menuts(Green), a wine list (Red) and the dinner menu (Orange) which was easy on the eyes, not too colorful but enough color not to be so bland. We did not get any drinks and instead we just ordered some warm tea that was for free (win!!) that smelled almost like bark or somesort of tree! It was the first time to have tea that smelled so rich! Whats more, the waitress kept coming back to refill our cups everytime they were empty. I tend to get very annoyed when the waiters do not come to refill my cup because it makes me think that they want me to hurry up and get out of the restuarant, furthermore I get thirsty very easily so i was happy with the good service!

Like it or not, but I am very picky when it comes to restuarant bathrooms. I believe that bathrooms show a lot about the hygene of the whole restuarant so going in the bathroom to see no trash on the floor and a clean sink as well as a nicely wiped mirror gave a good impression on the resturant.
I think the only negative thing that I would have to say about the restuarant is that the slippers in the bathroom were a little slippery becaues it was stone floor and wooden slippers. The looks of the slippers were very authentic and matched the theme of the restuarant, but if a pregnant women or an elderly person came to eat here and went to the bathroom, I would be concerened for their safety.

Becaues I am extremely sensitive to the cold, I am a loud customer when the temperatures are not to my liking. This place had the perfect temperature, not too hot or not too cold.

The choice of music was also relaxing and approriate. Sometimes the music in restuarants tend to overpower any other noise in the place to the point where you have to almost shout to get what you want to say across to the person who is only sitting across or next to you. This place was at a good volume to where there is back ground music but you can easily have a comfortable conversation.
Mame-cha used they adorable lantern-like lights that were very homie and almost romantic! I think that yellow like compliments food a lot more than pure white light,so the choice of lighting was very appealing in my opinion.

Now to talk about the food! MMMM!

Three of us ordered the Kaisendon but I had the kaisendon without this "chyawamushi" type of substance (a savory steamed egg custard with assorted ingredients). I was glad that they were flexible enough to take that out for me!

I always had the image that all miso soup tasted the same so i did not have a good image of it but when I tasted this restuarants miso I was completely blown away! there were cooked carrots, and usually if there is cooked carrots I just totally loose my appetite but this was something else!! The taste was not too salty but it had enough flavor to satisfy any miso lover.

The green that you can see in the bowl that sort of looks like a flower is steamed spinach with bits of tofu. I actually like raw spinach so if I were to choose this over raw I would definitely choose the raw spinach, but this was not bad! It had a very fresh viniger taste which was not too heavy and quite nice.

The little plate with the pink and green stuff may not seem so savory-looking but it is pickled daikon and spinach which tasted very good and crunchy! I really like to have pickled something next to a bowl of rice...although it does make me want to keep refilling my bowl! It is too good!

I thought it was really cute how the chef added a little flower to the bowl of fish. When eating raw fish there is always a hit and this case, it was a total hit!!! I was completely silent when eating my meal because I was out of words from the awesome flavor and softness of the sashimi which was spanking fresh! There was a big glob of wasabi that killed my nose every now and then! I forgot how the taste and the strongness of sashimi is a lot more powerful than other cheap kaiten zushi places. But, I'm not complaining!

For dessert, there was a good amount of warabi mochi topped with some roasted soy bean flower and sause. The warabi mochi was softer than any other mochi that I have eaten and it was so good! I know I will be having soft mochi dreams tonight!

Even though three of us got the kaisendon, our bowls were a little different which I thought was interesting. I was the only one that had a flower like bowl. I kept emagining opening and closing the flower haha!

The cost of my meal was 1800 yen. Normally, I would think that for a meal that is a little pricy but conidering the quality, good service, clean facility I was only full of graditude to have had this lovely meal for only 1800 yen!

In the beginning I was looking forward to going to the first restuarant that we origionally planned on going to, but after eating here I was glad that we could not find the other place!!
We entered the restuarant at around 7 oclock and decided that we were going to leave at around 8:30 to work on our homework but we ended up staying till around 9:45 because we felt so comfortable and really enjoyed the meal and the whole feel of the restuarant.

To sum it all up, I would have to say that I was one HAPPY customer! Everything except the slippers in the bathroom were perfect in my opinion. Everthing from the restuarant lights down to the customer service and the entrance to the restuarant! Before long my money might to slowly but surely disapear if I dont forget about this amazing restuarant!!

On a scale from 1 to 10 I would easily give this place a 10+!


  1. I agree about the restroom. I'm also picky when it comes to restaurant bathrooms. You also described all the other part really well too!

  2. We enjoyed it so much:) Also, your review is awesome!
