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Monday, November 30, 2015

Book Review 7

I always wonder in awe at how some (most) people can stay up late and not get exhausted and NOT want to sleep early the next night!
(Yes..I'm a crazy morning person!) I try to make sure to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep to feel completely rejuvenized the next morning.

When reading the first chapter in the "Thrive" book, I read that by strictly following the "Thrive" diet, there wont be an enoremous need to sleep for so many hours!

I realized I have not been eating as strict as I hoped. Usually, during the whole week I try to make a concious effort not to eat any sweets(anything containing sugar) or gluten (white bread, white rice etc) and I would have a little treat on the weekend as my "Cheat Meal" but, I decided to try and cut out all sugar and gluten from my diet for a month to see how my body and mind reacts to the changes.

In my last presentation on Eygpts eating habbits and lifestyle, some of you may know that I have the biggest sweet tooth so to cut out sugar for a whole month is a little scary, BUT! exciting! I'll be posting regularly on how I'm feeling throughout the week so stay tuned!


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Are you a true Foodie?" Quiz review

The quiz was a lot more harder than I thought it would be.
I ended up only getting around 20% right! Because I got less than 50%, I was advised to go out and try a new restaurant and eat  experiment in the kitchen more.

In question no.24 " What is a prosciutto?" I was at a total loss!  I never even heard that word before so it was interesting to find out that a prosciutto is a Italian ham. 

I guess I am going to have to try new restaurants more often! If any one has any recommendations please feel free to share!

Book Review 6

I am not the type of person to go into depth on a certain subject but a sentence in the "Thrive" book got be thinking and made me curious enough to do some research.

In the third chapter on page 97 There is a subject about how the thrive diet that Brendan Brazier recommends is a diet that is less demanding on the environment.

"A diet consisting of food that has been minimally processed and consists of primary-source nutrition is less demanding on the environment."-Brendan Brazier

This one sentence really stood out to me because I have never been into
environmental issues until I because vegan.
After reading this part of the book it made me think about the film/documentary called "Cowspiracy" where it talks in great depth about how going vegan may save the planet.

It really made me wonder if there are any vegan environmentalists. 

I read an article from that was published in 2010 in June.
In this article, it goes on to say how agriculture is on the same level of "danger" as fossil fuel consumption because both are rising with the growing population.

I strongly believe that vegan ism goes hand in hand in helping in reducing emissions and green house gases so to think that there are non-vegan or non-vegetarian environmentalists is frustrating and mind boggling to me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Book Review 5

I am all for food that help active people. Such as foods containing potassium, molybdenum and zinc.

*Potassium helps the body maintain fluid balance and therefore hydration. Potassium is crucial for active people as they tend to sweat alot more.

*Molybdenum is a trace mineral which moves stored iron into the bloodstream which then helps the body get rid of toxic material as well as minimizing stress.

*Zinc plays an integral role in perservting proper immune funtion. It also allows the body to use dietary protein as building blocks  for regeneration of muscle.

As for potassium, I always seem to eat bananas before workout but, I have recently been getting a little bored of the usual and wanted more vareity. Reading through the book, I found that kiwi is a also a good source for potassium.

To be honest, It was the first time for me to even hear the word "Molybdenum". Finding out that foods containing molybdenum such as legumes (for example, chili beans, chickpeas, black beans etc) nuts and psuedograins are crucial to our health, I wanted to learn more about legumes. I started searching the net and came to find that this site was very helpful.

Because I starting weight lifting, I try to get a proper intake of foods that restore the muscle. Foods that contain zinc are psuedograins, pumpkin seeds and nutritional yeast.
I sometimes eat peanut butter bread, topped with pumpkin seeds which gives a nice crunch!
I also never heard the word "Nutritional Yeast" so i got some info on it from this site.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Book Related Video

The book that I read was about how Brendan Brazier a professional Ironman Triathlete finds that the vegan diet works best for him helping him develope a lean body and sharper mind to compete in the triathlete competetions.

Book Review 4

Ever since I could remember, I have never had the knack for cooking and baking. Everyday when making my own lunch boxes I would make something extremely random and something that was not so time consuming because I did not enjoy one bit of cooking, which usually resulted in making something that did not even look good as well as having hardly any nutrition at all.
When I think back on what I ate when I was still going to junior high school and high school, I wonder how I was even surviving!

That being said, I am in love with how vegan meals are so easy to prepare. Now everyday, (besides the fact that I have to carry a lunch box) I actually enjoy making my own meals.

Recently I have been trying to spice up the taste in my dishes but, at the same time trying to stay away from as much sodium and sugar as physically possible!

I tried changing the taste of my meals with different spices like, cummin, tumeric, pepper and so on. But sadly, I tend to get bored quite easily.

When reading this book, it talked a lot about how oils have a lot to do with taste. The author mentions that high-quality, cold pressed, unrefined oils are at the top of the 'healthy oils" so, hemp, pumpkin,flaxseed and coconut are a good choice of oils.
Out of those oils, I have only tried coconut oil so i am curious as to what flaxseed, hemp and pumkin oil taste like.

I always had the image that extra- virgin olive oil was the best choise of oil but, as I read on I found that although extra-virgin olive oil is a healthier option for sauces, dips and dressings, it delivers only minimal amounts of omega-3.

I am definitely going to go on a mad search to find hemp, flaxseed and pumkin seed oil!!